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Consider donating your time and talents as a volunteer. Volunteers boost our power, lighten the load and exponentially increase our impact. Best of all, they do it because

they believe in the cause and want to help. Volunteers are essential for nonprofits by

  • Making a difference

  • Using their skills and talents for good

  • Meeting others in the community

  • Working for a cause they believe in

  • Helping others



The Senior Center is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization and receives the majority of its funding from the Genesee County Senior Service Millage. Funding is also provided through grants, donations and member contributions.


The Genesee County Senior Millage funds received are used for Administrative, Programming and Operating expenses. With the current state of our economy your donations are more important than ever. Donations from individuals, businesses and other organizations help us to continue to address the ongoing needs of seniors and

help us continue to provide quality services. Every Penny Helps! 



All monetary gifts are tax deductible. Please consider donating in one of the manners listed below:

Cash / Check / Credit Card

CashApp: $HasselbringSrCntr

PayPal: @HasselbringSrCntr




Those wishing to support by donating towards legal fees may do so via any of the means listed above or on the Hasselbring GoFundMe page at


Donate with PayPal

This program and/or service is fully or partially funded by Genesee County Senior Millage funds. 

Your tax dollars are at work!

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